

Integrate content from a specific page within your store into a section. This allows you to feature important information from static pages directly on your homepage or other key areas.

Adjust Page section

These settings allow you to integrate and customize a specific page within your store, ensuring it fits seamlessly within your store’s design and provides the desired content directly within a section.

Within the Page settings, the following fields can be adjusted:


  • Select page: Click this button to choose a page from your store that you want to display within this section. This allows you to embed content from an existing page directly into the section.

Section padding

  • Top padding: Adjust the space at the top of the page section. Measured in pixels (px), this allows you to control the vertical spacing above the section for better layout and design consistency.

  • Bottom padding: Adjust the space at the bottom of the page section. Measured in pixels (px), this allows you to control the vertical spacing below the section for better layout and design consistency.

Custom CSS

  • Add custom CSS to further style and customize the page section according to your specific design needs and preferences.
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