Header and Footer


A storefront's footer contains the information listed at the bottom of a page. Often the footer is the area where customers expect to find broad links, like a sort of information desk.


These settings allow you to customize the footer section, ensuring it fits seamlessly within your store’s design and effectively displays important information and links.

Within the Footer settings, you can adjust the following fields:

Dark logo image

  • Select image: To add the logo image of your brand to the footer, upload a transparent logo via this section. Don’t forget to add alt text to your logo to improve your SEO. We recommend using a transparent logo in PNG format. Upload the correct dimensions of your logo to avoid blurry logo images on your website.

  • Explore free images: Click here to browse and select from free images available.

Logo width

  • Adjust the slider to set the width of your logo. The current width is displayed in pixels (px).

Social media icons

  • Show social media icons: Check this box to display your social media icons. Link your social media accounts in the theme settings.

Language selector

  • Enable language selector: Check this box to enable the language selector feature.
  • To add a language, visit your language settings.

Payment methods

  • Show payment icons: Check this box to display icons for accepted payment methods.

Available blocks

Within the Footer, the following blocks are available:


  • The heading is required to display the menu.


  • Displays the current menu selected for the footer. In this example, "Footer menu".
  • Change: Click this button to change the menu that is displayed in the footer.

Important: Displays only top-level menu items.

Available sections

Within the Footer, the following sections are available:

Custom liquid

  • This section allows you to add custom Liquid code to your footer. You can use it to create custom content, embed widgets, or add any custom HTML and CSS.

Newsletter signup

  • This section adds a newsletter signup form to your footer. It allows visitors to subscribe to your email list by entering their email address. This is useful for building and maintaining customer engagement.

💡 Tip: You can use drag and drop to move individual blocks. In Shopify, individual blocks/sections can be removed (bin) or hidden (eye), and then revealed again.

Header Banner